Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slacker. Haha

I haven't been slacking in the exercise department, as much as the typing department. Lol.  I said I would post pics every week?  Well now I'm feeling more every once and a while haha. 

But I have been working out!  Also I have sworn off of school food (it should be fed to animals).  Track has started so I'm extra in shape these days! WOO!  But I'm sporting a nice blister on my feet :(  No pain, no gain right?

Overall I am feeling good about all this.  State this year for track?  I don't know about that.  A better body and sense of mind?  For sure!

-Ellen out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What I'm Doing

Alrighty, so it's two days into the week and I'm off to a great start!  I'm teaming up with a friend so we shall achieve toned bodies together :)).  We are hitting the fitness center everyday this week and it's going to be awesome.

What I'm Doing:

1. I'm working on my calves.  I do 10 calve raises on 12 steps with a total of 120 calve raises per day! (Intense.)

2. Arms. Using dumbells, I do various lifts.  Triceps, biceps, and everything inbetween... (they are sore!).

3. Core!  My friend and I love ab workouts.  Using a medicine ball, we do inclined sit ups and add a rotation in the down position to add a little more oomf!  Also we do "spiders."  Spiders are moves you do lying on your back and they are amaaaazing.  Sometimes I sit on the fitness ball and do sit ups, me gusta!

4. We tone our legs.  With 20 lb. dumbells my friend and I do lunges and hold them in the down position.  I can really feel it in my quads.  Also we do squats with dumbells.  To tone our inner thighs we use a machine we like to call "the crotch buster."  It really works the groin muscles. 

5. Last, but not least, cardio of course!  It's too cold to run outside yet, so we just stick to the eliptical and the stationary bikes. (We despise the tredmill).  On the eliptical I like to to farklicks.  Farklicks are where you go hard for 30 seconds then ease up for 15 and you keep doing that.  I'll do that for about 5 or 6 minutes.  Otherwise we stick to biking.  We bike pretty hard, enough to break a sweat.  Reading a magazine really helps time pass :)

**Overall I love working out.  I can feel my muscles all over!  If I continue this routine I will be toned in no time :)

**Oh and also, track starts next week for us. Ugh. But this will just help me to stay in even better shape, yay!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Plan!

After some feedback, this is what I would like to say:

1. So you may not think I should lose any weight, but here's the deal, I've been gaining weight.  I was skinnier than this last summer and I really liked it.  This past school year has hit me hard and I guess I've put on a few pounds (about 10) because of it.

2. Also some people have been saying that I sould just focus on toning.  This is a really good idea in my opinion.  I guess I've always just been worried about weight and fat, when what I actually should do is work on toning.  Yay for abs! Haha.

3. Another thing I need to work on is my eating habits.  I love healthy food, but I tend to over eat with everything else.  I could down half a pizza then a sundae. It has got to stop!  So if you have any suggestions on what I could do to help myself eat better, tell me!


Friday, February 25, 2011


My Plan:

This blog is made for me, myself and I. :) To watch my weight, my plan is to post pics every week to track progress.  Hopefully this will inspire me to keep going!